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The Good Business Podcast is a solo show with moi.

Each episode is a potent, occasionally cynical, info-rich lesson in business, ethics, marketing, and leadership with a sharp eye on classical business skills (with just a teensy bit of cultural anarchy).

I teach my very biggest and brightest work here so it can be accessible to everyone. 

What to do when you just can’t get fired up about a great idea | GB17

What to do when you just can’t get fired up about a great idea | GB17

Today’s episode is all about what to do when you’re working on something that you love but you can’t figure out why it just. isn’t. working. First, we’ll talk about what it feels like to love something but not be lit UP by it. Then we’ll talk about what to do about it and how to fix it. And finally, we’ll wrap up with some inspiring examples of how this works in action.

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The Content Series: The Necessity Myth | GB13

The Content Series: The Necessity Myth | GB13

Content is NOT just another task to be checked off the list. And it shouldn’t be something you do because you think you’re supposed to. Because it is not the only path to business building. Plenty of people thrive at their work without writing blog posts or starting podcasts. It DOES however, help a LOT.

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The case for loving your business as much as you love your work | GB11

The case for loving your business as much as you love your work | GB11

Today’s episode is a piggy back on last week’s when we talked about how, in order to have real success as an entrepreneur, you have to actually love BEING an entrepreneur as much as you love doing your ACTUAL work. So today, as promised, I’m going to talk about all the reasons why being in business for yourself TODAY is actually pretty damn wonderful.

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You don’t have to make a living at your life’s work | GB10

You don’t have to make a living at your life’s work | GB10

Starting a passion-based business is not the same thing as creating a business around your life’s work. And here’s the hard and simple truth, there are actually very few things people are willing to pay for. And the fundamental truth is that your life’s work might be wildly rewarding and profoundly difference-making – but it might not be something people are willing to pay for. And that is 100% ok.

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The two leaders: Do you feed your people, or feed ON them? | GB09

The two leaders: Do you feed your people, or feed ON them? | GB09

Leadership is not an optional choice to be made, but rather something that WILL come with success, and how it’s essential you choose who YOU want to be from the two primary types of leaders. Because if you DON’T choose, you’re leadership style will continue to be muddled with bad habits and a tactical vacuum. It will affect who you are, how people see you, and the behaviors of those who follow.

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The Ethical Selling Part 3: Marketing Funnels Suck | GB07

The Ethical Selling Part 3: Marketing Funnels Suck | GB07

Marketing Funnels. What they are (and aren’t). Why I think they’re a terrible way to structure a client relationship. And what to do instead. The idea today is to show you why and how to look deeper at the prevalent logic that you HAVE to do this to be successful. You don’t.

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Selling Basics Part 2: For love and money | GB06

Selling Basics Part 2: For love and money | GB06

Today’s focus is on how to love selling by loving your clients (or potential clients) first. Loving the people you’re selling to is a HUGE part of making selling into something you adore. It’s not just an esoteric concept. It’s crucial. If you want to not hate the...

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Selling the right way: Part 1 | GB05

Selling the right way: Part 1 | GB05

Selling is a conversation. A communication. It’s how you show yourself to your community. The confusion happens when we see people we like, look up to, and respect using sales tactics that belie their stated mission.

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Values and Value: The Center of EVERYTHING | GB04

Values and Value: The Center of EVERYTHING | GB04

Your values affect your your deepest work, how you make decisions, how you operate externally from yourself. It’s how you move through the world. Your value is how other’s experience it. Today’s episode is a deep-dive primer on why understanding both is critical.

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The one thing to never compromise on | GB03

The one thing to never compromise on | GB03

Business is FULL of opportunities for compromise. Options. Bad advice. The kind that tells you it’s OK to sacrifice your values. And as business owners, we are often asked to bend, shift, stretch. Change what we KNOW to be true to fit “The Rules”. Today we explore the one thing to NEVER do this on.

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The Power in The Process | GB02

The Power in The Process | GB02

Process goes WAY beyond systems setup. Today, we talk about how identifying the ways in which your process is slowing your growth can be one of the most valuable exercises you can do to thrive and grow.

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The BIGGEST mistake new entrepreneurs make | GB01

The BIGGEST mistake new entrepreneurs make | GB01

So it turns out that your business is not about you. It's about the people you most want to serve. Today we explore how (and why) to set your ego aside so you can build your business based on the RIGHT factors, rather than your deepest desires.   Episode...

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