Commerce. Profit. Transaction.
These are the words that drive modern society. And we have been led to believe that their meanings are set. Static. Done.
We have all collectively decided that business is an impersonal endeavor. We have done this to indemnify us against having feelings about the feelings of others.
This has allowed greed, division, martyrdom, manipulation, and loneliness to overtake our culture.
“It’s not personal. It’s just business.”
No, my dear. It’s fucking personal.
Business is personal.
Human beings live on both sides of every single goddamn transaction. That makes it intensely personal.
And when those people ask for money, we are asking people to make a choice; give their hard-earned money to you, or save it for something else.
Why don’t we treat that choice with the reverence it deserves?

I work with businesses and the leaders who guide them to design and redesign the structural scaffolding that holds a thriving enterprise.
And I publish my work in a bunch of places so no matter where you like to soak up learning, you can hang out in your happy place.
If you have questions about working with Illana, have media inquiries, or any other type of contact request, you can reach us at: