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The Good Business Podcast is a solo show with moi.

Each episode is a potent, occasionally cynical, info-rich lesson in business, ethics, marketing, and leadership with a sharp eye on classical business skills (with just a teensy bit of cultural anarchy).

I teach my very biggest and brightest work here so it can be accessible to everyone. 

Be of service and don’t be a sh*thead | GB29

Be of service and don’t be a sh*thead | GB29

Today's episode is all about how to not be a jerk in the middle of a crisis. Episode Transcript: I'm Illana Burk, CEO of Your Life's Workshop, coach to entrepreneurs and solopreneurs across dozens of industries and host of Good Business. With nearly 20 years...

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Avoid the piles of bricks | GB28

Avoid the piles of bricks | GB28

Today, we talk all about that craptastic feeling of being buried. Underwater. Crushed by the weight of big ideas, neverending task lists, and elephant-sized goals. First, we’ll talk about what this really means and the ways in which this feeling tends to show up, along with a little on how we tend to behave as a result. Then we’ll talk about a simple way to handle these moments better. And finally, we’ll wrap up with a healthy pep talk.

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When you’re failing, learn how to ask the right questions | GB27

When you’re failing, learn how to ask the right questions | GB27

Today’s episode is all about how to not shoot yourself in the foot right out the gate. I’m gonna break down one very common mistake that newbies (and non-newbies) make and how to fix it. Today, we learn how to ask for help and guidance in a way that doesn’t completely fuck up your chances of getting what you ACTUALLY need, which is respect.

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Why overdelivery is the enemy of getting rehired | GB26

Why overdelivery is the enemy of getting rehired | GB26

Today’s episode is all about why over-delivering is a really good way to not get asked back for more work. We all think doing our best and giving more than people asked for is a good thing. And in some ways, it is. Things like adding extra value to something you do is fine. What I’m talking about is when you completely blow the scope of what was asked of you out of the water. It’s one of the hardest things to identify when you’re trying to figure out why no one seems to hire you twice.

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Market visibility for people who care about other people | GB23

Market visibility for people who care about other people | GB23

Today is a branch off of our stakeholder conversation. If you listened to that episode, you should have a clear picture of exactly who matters to you and your work and why, as well as how much time you have for your work without sacrificing what those VIPs need and expect from you. Next up, we talk about exposure, protection, and the responsibility you have to those who matter most.

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Know Your Stakeholders | GB22

Know Your Stakeholders | GB22

In this episode, I’m going to walk you through how to think about establishing your stakeholders, the steps you need to take to do so, and how to make decisions based on who they are without compromising those big fat dreams we’ve been talking about.

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Pricing Basics: Why discounts are almost never a good idea | GB21

Pricing Basics: Why discounts are almost never a good idea | GB21

Today’s episode dovetails on our last one, where we talked all about how your value isn’t determined by your price tag. Today, we’re talking about discounts. First, we’ll talk about why businesses offer them, what their purpose is and when they ARE a good idea. Then we’ll talk about why they are probably a bad idea for you and what to do instead.

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Pricing Basics: Your value is not attached to your price | GB20

Pricing Basics: Your value is not attached to your price | GB20

This episode breaks down the popular trope that if you don’t charge a lot, people won’t value your work. First, we talk about the conditions that make this a common piece of advice. Then I lay out why this is complete crap for certain kinds of businesses. Finally, the episode wraps up with a brief primer on how to think about pricing in a way that serves your people AND your bigger dreams for yourself.

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Why trust-building beats list-building every day of the week | GB19

Why trust-building beats list-building every day of the week | GB19

Today’s episode is all about why focusing on listbuilding as your primary focus in client acquisition is the very best way to feel like you’re banging your head against a wall. It’s also the very best way to make the people you MOST want to connect with feel like the only think that matters to you about THEM is their email address.

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CEO Mindset: Looking into the dark | GB18

CEO Mindset: Looking into the dark | GB18

Today’s episode is on one area of what people call the ‘CEO Mindset’. First, we’ll dig in a little to what people THINK this means. Then, we’ll talk through what it ACTUALLY means. And finally, we’ll wrap up with some simple truths about how to do this better and why doing so is necessary to actually grow.

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What to do when you just can’t get fired up about a great idea | GB17

What to do when you just can’t get fired up about a great idea | GB17

Today’s episode is all about what to do when you’re working on something that you love but you can’t figure out why it just. isn’t. working. First, we’ll talk about what it feels like to love something but not be lit UP by it. Then we’ll talk about what to do about it and how to fix it. And finally, we’ll wrap up with some inspiring examples of how this works in action.

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The Content Series: The Necessity Myth | GB13

The Content Series: The Necessity Myth | GB13

Content is NOT just another task to be checked off the list. And it shouldn’t be something you do because you think you’re supposed to. Because it is not the only path to business building. Plenty of people thrive at their work without writing blog posts or starting podcasts. It DOES however, help a LOT.

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