What I do and why I do it | GB50

What I do and why I do it | GB50

Episode 50! Today we take a small break from our series on offer design and talk about, well, what I do and why I do it. In this episode, I talk about how I got where I am today, the big why, the triple bottom line, the kind of clients I work with, teaching...
Offer Design Part 4: What does done look like? | GB49

Offer Design Part 4: What does done look like? | GB49

Today’s episode is part four in our series on offer design. In this episode we talk about: What does done look like? In other words, what does the end of a client relationship look and feel like? And how do you know when you are done? And are you even designing...
Offer Design Part 3: Delivery on your terms | GB48

Offer Design Part 3: Delivery on your terms | GB48

Today’s episode is the third in our series on offer design. Let’s talk about delivery! In this episode we talk about how when you have a client who objects to your format, delivering can get difficult. When you’re designing an offer, make sure that...